Investigation finding/activities, impact and actions by priority

This release provides the ability to conduct investigations on captured incidents, create recipient groups, send incident notifications, and create an incident via a secure, shareable public form.

Change Impact Legend

Risk Assessment Software Solutions Risk Assessment Suites
Risk Management Software Solutions Risk Management Suites
Risk and Compliance Management Software Solutions Compliance Management Suites

What’s New

Investigations Risk and Compliance Management Software Solutions

You can now create investigations of any incident complete with optional findings/activities, actions, evidence and more.

Download investigations as a branded or standard PDF or include evidence in your download to make it super easy to share as a zip file.

They can also be sent for review and approval before they are activated. When an investigation is activated, the actions are automatically converted into actionable tasks, which can be managed, delegated, tracked, and completed within the task module.

Recipient Groups Risk Assessment Software Solutions Risk Management Software Solutions Risk and Compliance Management Software Solutions 

You can now link multiple users to a recipient group and use it to send an incident to that group. System Administrators can manage recipient groups through the Settings menu. Recipient groups will soon be able to be used under risk management and property management fields as well, so watch this space.

Incident Enhancements Risk and Compliance Management Software Solutions

  • You can now send incident notifications to recipient groups, user roles and users.
    • User role recipients will only include those with estate access to the property where the incident happened
    • Reply to the message within Risk Warden, and it will be sent back to the person who sent the notification
  • Public incident form: give the public the ability to save an incident directly into your incident module using secure and shareable public links and QR codes
  • Public incident form links & QR Codes are accessible on the property view under the Information tab


  • Copying information from other sources caused main heading tags not to appear in document collection reports.
  • We have now prevented duplicate assessment approvals when approvals are sent more than once to the same user when pending approvals for that user still exist.
  • Fixed the issue when you could add columns to reports that were only meant to be available to specific reports, which would result in errors.
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